Diet and Blood Pressure
The positive effects of a heart healthy diet have been proven to lower blood pressure a study after study. It is the most effective drug- free method to prevent and manage hypertension. Especially when healthy eating habits are combined with an exercise regime.
It is best to start with baby steps. Simply focus on changing one small thing at a time. You will discover a new happier and healthier version of you with consistency and small gradual improvements !
1. Firstly focus on eating less saturated and trans fats – this means less processed foods and foods wrapped in plastic. Say more often NO to bakery goods like pies, donuts, cakes and cookies and most of the supermarket “ready to heat and eat” meals.
2. Secondly buy and eat more fruits and vegetables (carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber) like spinach, broccoli, kiwi fruit, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, blueberries, bananas, apples, oranges pears and mangos. Ensure that every meal you enjoy has a source of protein from lean meats, chicken, fish, soy products, legumes and or beans to keep you full and your muscles happy and healthy. Consume healthy fats from sources like olive oil, avocados or nuts.
3. Last but not least reduce your excessive salt and sugar intake. Instead you can add fresh or dried herbs like basil or rosemary for to your meals for flavor. We encourage you to be playful in the kitchen and find new ways to spice things up. Be sure to check these fantastic cookbooks out!
4. Choose water to stay hydrated!
Physical Activity is a Drug-free Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure
Unquestionably physical activity has tremendous benefits from your mental health to heart health. Often starting a new exercise routine is the hardest part. A new habit need to be created and maintained to gain both and short and long term benefits. However it is the best investment you can make and drug-free way to lower your blood pressure.
It should be noted that anything is better than nothing. To start with it can be a stroll or bike ride to work. Swim at the beach. A short online yoga class. An afternoon spent running in the park with your kids. Vacuuming your house. You name it! If you are interested to read more facts about the relationship between Blood Pressure and Exercise click here.
Smoking and Alcohol
Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, smoking and vaping are ever so popular despite the fact that these habits do no good to you. In addition to risking of developing hypertension, poisons from tobacco products increase your risk for different types of cancer.
Perhaps you do not smoke but the people you spend the most of your time do. You may just love to keep them company. Unfortunately secondhand smoke can be just as dangerous as smoking yourself.
Plain and simple – get rid of these habits! If you need more convincing evidence check this study out!
Prolonged Stress and Lack of Sleep Do No Good To Your Blood Pressure
Especially in a world where you are told to hustle 24/7 we often try to survive with too little sleep. When we sleep our bodies repair and recover from days stress (both mental and physical). Lack of sleep and stress are two biggest reasons for your bad eating habits, poor lifestyle choices and stress as well as a risk factor for hypertension.
Recent studies show that increasing the duration of sleep could also increase the odds of controlling and treating hypertension (high blood pressure). Keen to read the full article? You can find it here
Alcohol and Smoking Contribute to Your Blood Pressure Negatively
Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, smoking and vaping are ever so popular despite the fact that these habits do no good to you. In addition to risking of developing hypertension, poisons from tobacco products increase your risk for different types of cancer.
Perhaps you do not smoke but the people you spend the most of your time do. You may just love to keep them company. Unfortunately secondhand smoke can be just as dangerous as smoking yourself.
Plain and simple – get rid of these habits! If you need more convincing evidence check this study out!
Genetics and Hypertension
Genetics can play a role in developing high blood pressure. For instance African Americans are more prone to hypertension than other ethnic groups. Evidently consequences of hypertension can be more severe and some medications are less effective with people from African American background with high blood pressure.
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