FAQ - Heart Health, Hypertension and Blood Pressure Monitors
Is There A Way To Check My Blood Pressure At Home?
Absolutely! Purchase a reliable blood pressure monitor to have handy at home. First and foremost we trust doctors and pharmacists opinions – see their recommendations here!
Does My Sports Watch Measure Blood Pressure?
No not really. But finally there is a clinically accurate wearable blood pressure monitor in the market. Hail The HeartGuide ! This FDA registered wristwatch makes tracking and managing your blood pressure easier than ever!
Can I Accurately Check My Blood Pressure With My Phone?
In short the answer is no!
Obviously some of the latest mobile phones have inbuilt sensors for the user to check things like heart rate or blood oxygen levels with the help of an installed app. For instance you can check your pulse by covering the sensor with a finger and holding it still for a moment.
You might also have read about a mobile phone app that helps you track and check your blood pressure. These apps are not as reliable nor accurate as automated upper arm or wrist blood pressure monitors. This is your friendly reminder that for an accurate blood pressure measurement you will need a reliable home blood pressure monitor!
How Can I Check My Blood Pressure Without A Machine?
Sorry to break the news but NO you cannot!
What Is The Best Position To Check My Blood Pressure?
Ultimately seated upright but do not stress the set up too much! Keep your back supported and feet flat on the floor. Rest your left arm on the table so your upper arm and heart are on the same level. Furthermore try to relax. Sit and wait a few minutes before pressing the operation button to measure your blood pressure.
How Do I Know If My Blood Pressure Monitor Is Accurate?
It should be noted that you need to check your blood pressure at least twice in a row. Check your batteries regularly if your machine uses batteries and calibrate your blood pressure machine now and then!
You can also ask your loved one to measure their blood pressure and see if the result seems accurate. If still in doubt go to your nearest chemist or medical center. Ask for a blood pressure check and compare the results. You can also take your machine along and ask a health care professional to observe if you are doing it right!
What Are The Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure?
Unfortunately there are no visible nor obvious symptoms. This is why high blood pressure is called a silent killer.
Untreated and ignored HBP may reveal itself with symptoms such as palpitations, severe headaches or nose bleeding – we are talking about hypertensive crisis here. If your blood pressure is over 180mmHg systolic and or higher than 120mmHg diastolic seek for medical help immediately!
Be safe and monitor your blood pressure on regular basis.
How Does A Normal Blood Pressure Look Like?
Generally speaking the normal blood pressure reading is LESS than 120 mmHg systolic and LESS than 80 mmHg diastolic.
How Many Readings Should I Take?
Two or three!
I am pregnant! How should my blood pressure look like?
Ultimately the same than before you fell pregnant. The normal blood pressure is LESS than 120 mmHg systolic and LESS than 80 mmHg diastolic.
I Am African American And I Have Been Told That I Have Higher Risk Of Developing Hypertension Because Of My Background?
You are right. Genetics can play a role in developing high blood pressure.
For instance African Americans are more prone to hypertension than other ethnic groups. Evidently consequences of hypertension can be more severe and some medications are less effective with people from African American background with high blood pressure.
What Is The Most Accurate Blood Pressure Monitor To Use At Home in 2023?
Our current favorite for every budget is The Omron Bronze Upper Arm Monitor. If you want to explore more options go to our page The Best Blood Pressure Monitors!
When Should I NOT Check My Blood Pressure?
There is no straight-forward answer to this.
Your blood pressure reading may not be accurate if you check it whilst you are angry, stressed, anxious, caffeinated or on the go. Smoking, alcohol and certain drugs/medicines also elevate your blood pressure.
Sometimes the situation itself makes you nervous. For instance being at health clinic and under doctors watch. Best cure for getting stressed about blood pressure checks is to do it from the comfort of your home!