Fasten The Monitor Right To Ensure Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement
The first things first! Using a Wrist Blood pressure Monitor is simple and convenient! Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Then make sure your wrist blood pressure monitor is fastened correctly. This is the key to accurate and reliable results for your heart health. However there is no need to aim for perfection. It is more important to remain stress free for accurate results!
When you wrap your Blood Pressure Monitor around the Wrist tightly like a bandage leave about 1-2cm space free in between your palm and the monitor. This means you can fit approximately your index finger in the free space.
Check This Before You Press The Start Button
Before you press the start button sit upright and check that the monitor is at heart level. The most convenient way is to cross your monitor arm over chest and place your monitor hand on the chest/arm pit. If you keep your arm up in the air by your side your muscles are not relaxed. This can result elevated blood pressure and pulse rate.
Alternatively you can support your monitor arm against something. For instance you can place couple pillows on the table or couch to elevate your wrist to heart level. If all you have is a table, rest your monitor arm elbow down and lift your forearm off the table. Now you can hit the start button!
Relax and Stick to your normal breathing and in 30-60 seconds (depending on the monitor) the results will be displayed on the screen. Repeat the process at least twice!
Key Take-Aways
- Take a comfortable seat and rest for at about 5 minutes before you take the readings
- The Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor needs to be fastened properly on your wrist like a watch (1-2cm away from the hand)
- Keep the Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor nice and snug against your skin but leave some space for the cuff to inflate
- The Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor needs to be on the heart level (hold your monitor hand on the chest or rest your elbow down and lift your forearm up)
- It take about 30-60 seconds to get your results! Take 2-3 measurements for better accuracy!
Do You Have Any Other Concerns or Questions About Blood Pressure Monitors?
Do you not own a wrist blood pressure monitor and are in need of one? We have listed 3 best wrist blood pressure monitors for you to check out – the article of pros and cons of wrist blood pressure monitors can be found here!
Our team here at Monitor Your Blood Pressure is dedicated to educate you about how to find and choose the best blood pressure monitor for your needs! The comprehensive list of blood pressure monitors can be found here!
For those who want to learn more about ways to prevent and manage hypertension check out American Heart Association! Or alternatively you can jump on the next blog post to learn drug-free ways to lower your blood pressure!