Let’s Face It
Globally over 1.2 billion people live with hypertension (1.28 billion to be more specific). This is horrifying! Researchers predicted that by 2030 about 100 million people will suffer from hypertension in the USA. The American Heart Association revealed a report already in 2018 stating that 103 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure.
Today in 2023 the number is 116 million which is almost half of the American adult population. The numbers do not look good from economic point of view either. High Blood Pressure costs American nation a lot of money; up to 200 billion US dollars annually. We cannot close our eyes and let the climb continue exponentially. Let this post to encourage you and your loved ones (yes both females and males who are adults) to check blood pressure and take action if required. You can read more about hypertension on our website: get started here!
Can You Die From High Blood Pressure?
Simple and Plain: Yes. In fact high blood pressure is the primary or contributing cause of death of approximately 100 million people worldwide. There are 700 million people who are not being treated for high blood pressure (Hypertension) according to the World Health Organization. What scares me even more is that 1 out of 3 people in the USA do not know they suffer from hypertension and are not being treated. Many people could be saved from premature death if only they checked their blood pressure and took action to keep it at bay. Get your blood pressure checked and monitor your blood pressure if you are diagnosed with hypertension.
High Blood Pressure Is A Serious Health Condition
In fact only 1 in 5 people who suffer high blood pressure have hypertension under control according to WHO. If hypertension is ignored the risk for heart, brain, kidney and other diseases increases significantly. On the other hand a lot of people who suffer from hypertension start strong but overtime forget to check blood pressure on regular basis. Or they skip the medication which can lead to serious problems. Follow your doctor’s orders, ask questions, educate yourself and learn how to use a blood pressure monitor correctly.
Choose the best blood pressure monitor 2023 for you from our list and or purchase the health care professionals current favorite here!